January 18, 2025 – January 19, 2025
The Peninsula Art League invites you to celebrate the New Year, mingle with members, and hear about all that is happening in 2025.
Please join us for lunch and kick off the New Year with your Peninsula Art League colleagues, share resolutions about your art in 2025, and hear what PAL has in store for the New Year including the new PAL Art Wall at the PenMet Parks CRC (set to open in May). In addition, there will be a special presentation by PAL member and creative director Steve Hammond about how to present your work and increase its visibility -- including resources where you can submit your work for minimal cost and gain broader exposure. PAL President Robin Avni will demystify social media with a quick way to breakdown your needs ranging from "no social media" to a "multi-faceted approach".
An award-winning artist and creative director, Steve began has served as a Creative Director at Hewlett Packard, held key creative positions at top adversiting agencies, and spent 12 years creating successful brands and advertising for his own clients at Hammond Creative. As an artist, Steve unleashes the power of black and white as a proud Signature Scratchboard Artist (SSA) of the renowned International Society of Scratchboard Artists. Armed with a scratchboard as his canvas and a sharp tool as his instrument, he creates masterpieces that transcend boundaries.
ROBIN AVNI is a creative veteran in the media and high-tech industries, her experience includes 20+ years in media and publishing and eight years at Microsoft in design and creative management. As a Washington State Arts Commissioner, appointed in 2019 by Govenor Jay Inslee, she currently serves as a Vice Chair on the Executive Committee of the Commission engaged in statewide advocacy for the arts, including arts education and the pursuit of creative careers.