Upcoming Events


How to Become a Member

Anyone 18 or older can join PAL, whether you’re an artist or just love art. Our current members include nearly 200 individuals – from sculptors and photographers to potters, jewelry makers, glass artists, painters, fiber artists, and writers.

You can find all the information you need on the membership application.


Our 2024 meeting schedule has changed.  We will meet as a group in January and May and we have a very special Members Only Tour of the Museum of Glass in February. Subsequent meetings to be announced.    For details please visit the Meetings page.

In addition to our group meetings, we have several workshops planned beginning in February.  Workshop information is on the Workshops and Classes page, located here.

 In July we present the Summer Art Festival and the Members’ Summer Art Show. We elect new officers at our September meeting and dues for the upcoming year are payable at that time. Visitors and newcomers are welcome at every PAL event.


PAL’s success and relevance is equal to the volunteer commitment of our members. We encourage you to take an active role in your Art League by serving on the Board, chairing or serving on a committee, by helping during the Summer Art Festival and other events and activities or by participating in other ways.

Join Us Today!


Current Members


$ 35 Annual


$ 45 Annual

Member Benefits

PAL Member websites

Check out our artists!

Online Membership Directory

Pay dues by October 1st to be included in the directory. Access the Member Directory.

Scholarship Opportunities

In addition to offering scholarships to graduating students from three of the area high schools to further their education in the arts, PAL offers scholarships to its members to be used for workshops to learn a new technique or enhance their skills in the medium of their choice,

Artist Screenings & Exhibition Privileges

Exhibit your work in our juried Members Shows, Plein Air Show and other PAL-sponsored shows. Visit our resources page for a screening application and complete details.

Voting Privileges

Resource Library

We have an extensive Resource Library of art-related CDs. Click here to see our current Video Library Catalog-2021 on our resources page. You can check out CDs at our general meetings, thanks to our resource librarian Pam Jenkins.

Art Store Discounts

Discounts of 10-20% at art stores including Artists’ Edge in Silverdale and Poulsbo, and Artist & Craftsman in Tacoma.